Sunday, February 19, 2012


Practising gratitude should be easy..or so it seems.. Somedays I wonder why especially on the ones when I go through a day filled with ups and downs, interacting with people with emotional issues, traumatising issues, energy draining stories of the past and then it hits me...Everything I am grateful for! The fact that I am there to be able to listen. The fact that they feel comfortable enough to share their pain. Suddenly gratitude is easy again. I have a choice to listen, comfort, care and help. It is a gift not to be taken lightly.

In fact, it is an honour! I am holding the heart of another person in my hand. I re-align my thinking, focus and give my entire heart to people who need me in that moment. And I am suddenly grateful too, that I was given the gift of patience. Yes..I know somedays I have to work in it, buy hey..that is life..a lesson being learnt every second, an insight awaiting discovery..another of my thought processes to adjust..

Life as I know exciting..and for that, I am truly grateful!

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