Monday, February 20, 2012

Food for thought! Scallops...mmm..

So I was thinking..whilst watching Come Dine with Me UK and the South African version..what would be an unusual menu for guests who have diverse tastes.

In South Africa, you will be hard pressed to find shops stocking Scallops all year round. In my travels, I have acquired the taste for these juicy little morsels and thought that I should share some of my wacky takes on this gorgeous succulent tasty titbit..

So here goes.. when I do get my hands on them, I find that Scallops are really versatile.

The rule of cooking scallops are simple. They love a hot non-stick frying pan with very very little oil or butter. They love to be seared..that makes them feel highly

Scallops also love to be drizzled lovingly with exquisitely simple sauces that do not smother them.

Or laid naked upon al dente pasta that is already smothered with rich creams..they love to be the star of the party.. :)

Another favourite of mine is Scallops dreamily swimming in luscious Rissotto.

mmm... served with a hot crusty bread and a gorgeous fresh rocket salad. You will get all the lovely sweet, smooth textures of scallops and rissotto combined with a the sharp peppery taste of the salad and the warm loving finish with the hot bread.. off to go find some scallops..I will upload some photos once I have made some of these saucy dishes...

ciao for now!!

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