Saturday, February 18, 2012


I am starting to think that there is more to destiny than meets the eye. You go through life experiencing different lessons, interacting with thousands of people..and we are influenced on a daily basis by media, technology, books, people, thoughts, sayings, inspirational quotes, motivational speakers much of this actually moulds our beliefs and the way we think?

I have been contemplating the complexity of the human mind, yet at the same time, how gullible we can be too.

We learn easily, adjust our lifestyles according the latest fad, scoff down the latest trends, change our desires, wants and needs according to adverts and then wonder why we need motivational talks and mind power to control our runaway mind.

Do we even have an original thought left that was not influenced in some way by a random flitting thought that came via other influences...I doubt it..but it will be fun to figure our how we can determine our destiny based on our true purpose in life..Interesting! Am gonna think about this some more...

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