Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Religion..dare I go there!

I have thought about this for a while and have finally concluded that I have a right to express exactly how I feel on this subject.

I know that it might rile a few nerves but then again, I cannot make everyone happy. This post is merely my take and impression on religion. The one thing that can make, break, heal and bring either war or love to mankind.

So here goes...the reason for my ramblings began with another one of those experiences where I could either laugh or cry with frustration at the madness of some people.

I am personally very spiritual. I do not believe that I need to advertise my own personal beliefs or go to any specific building to prove that I believe in a higher being that has given me the gift of life. I believe. That is all the explanation that is needed.

So my take on religion is this...Religion has been created by Man as a set of rules for Mankind to achieve various spiritual experiences. Many will debate this, but I welcome open thinking. Maybe if women were involved with input or their thoughts with some of the scriptures...there might be a fairer view on some of the lessons involved.

Anyway..I enjoy going to Cathedrals and sitting in a quiet pew, feeling the awesome heavy stillness descend upon me. Something I do not experience anywhere. I love going to the Hilltop in Inanda to experience the joy of the Shembe people when they celebrate with their haunting music and slow, rythmic dancing. I enjoy going to the Bhuddist temples to revel in the calm, gentle spirituality that exudes from the solemness of the meditating priests. I enjoy going to the various temples to witness the beautiful comaraderie between the gorgeous temple goers of the various Hindu faiths. I love meditation when I feel like doing it. I love breaking fast at Passover with my Jewish friends and celebrating the end of Eid with my Muslim ones. I also support and join the journey of my friends during Lent.

So in simple terms..I love and respect all religions. I strongly believe that everyone has a right to worship or not in the way they believe is the right way for themselves. It is a very personal journey.

Hence this blog. I have been feeling a bit riled up by the recently increasing forcefulness of various individuals who have deemed it their duty on this earth to convert me. I do not feel the need to profess an undying devotion to any particular religion to make it easier for people to understand me. It is my personal journey and will always be so.

It is just frustrating to be told continiously that the Devil is living in me and that I am going to hell if I do not accept a certain religion. Now I love alot about that religion, but the Devil does not exist in my wonderful world. As for hell?? methinks it is the best manipulative thought to have ever been created.

I mean, why fear going to hell when you die, when we are creating the worst type of hell on our precious Earth right now whilst we are living and breathing.

We are a continent of people who are currently murdering, raping, killing, stealing, hurting, damaging, demeaning, de-moralising and destroying our fellow human beings and Mother Nature..What is worse than that..pray do tell?

What can be worse that the wars that are starting using the name of religion in vain? That is mankinds greed, envy, gluttony, pride, hatred, anger etc..

How about we each as individuals, use the amazing teachings our religion or personal beliefs teach us and strive to make this world a better place right now, right here, in this moment, without advertising our religion.

How about we drop all pretences and really, truly accept and rejoice that all human beings deserve a place on this earth. That the word diversity encompasses different ways of thinking, understanding, wisdom, knowledge, mannerisms, experience, wants, needs, hopes, dreams, feelings and above all individual choice.

Each person is perfect as they are and their beliefs in religion or not is perfect for that person too.

So my plea to the really, over excited converting types..leave peoples personal choice of religion to themselves. Stop forcing something that was intended to bring love and hope into the lives of people and changind it into something that is compulsory and hurtful if one does not choose that path.

Let us all start to respect the people we can see in front of us right now, instead of professing to be holier than everyone else.

As far as I am concerned..if a person is comfortable to believe in devils and hell..then that is their choice..please keep it close and leave me alone. I do not wish to enjoy any religion through fear of what could happen. It is already happening, with our racism, prejudices, paedophiles, pornography, bad behaviour, underlying gossipping and backbiting. If anyone can prove to me that there are worse things than that in an afterlife..then I am willing to listen with an open mind.

Until then..love the beliefs that you choose and keep it sacred!

1 comment:

  1. This is another great article. I would have loved to have read of your latest incident in the hospital, whilst your were visiting your mom. It sounded unbelievable that these people had the temerity to "chase the devil out of you", whilst trying to force you to accept their faith!
